1. Deny:(v.)拒絕;否認 Denial(n.)否認
例句:Unfortunately, your request was denied. 很抱歉,您的請求被拒絕了。
2. Enhance:(v.)提升;增加 Enhanced(adj.)提升的;增加的
🌟:同義字:improve, boost, increase
例句:The Vice President said the changes will enhance business efficiency and improve productivity. 副總裁提到,這些改革會提升工作效率及生產力。
3. Experiment:(v.)(n.)實驗 Experimental(adj.)實驗性的
例句:Many of the largest retailer have begun experimenting with small-store formats. 許多大型零售商開始實驗以小型店舖的模式來經營。
4. Facilitate:(v.)促進
例句:Mr. Bloom and Mr. Gordon will work together to facilitate the timely launch of the new product line into the market. 布魯先生與高登先生會合力推動新產品線的及時上市。
5. Foremost:(adj.)最先進的;首要的
例句:I attended a three-week intensive seminar on MarkTrends, the foremost marketing-research software package. 我參加一場為期三週的密集研討會,主題是關於最先進的市調軟體MarkTrends。
6. Generously:(adv.)慷慨的 Generous(adj.)慷慨的 Generosity(n.)慷慨
例句:Harry has generously offered to make the hotel reservations for the conference in June. 哈利慷慨解囊協助六月那場會議的飯店預約。
7. Grant:(n.)輔助金;許可(v.)批准;准許
例句:You’ve already applied for a grant, haven’t you? 你已經提出輔助金申請了,不是嗎?
8. Integral:(adj.)不可或缺的;整體的
例句:Dr. Weisman, who served for 25 years as an integral part of the research team, will retire on March 30. 魏斯曼博士身為研究團隊不可或缺的一分子,在服務25年後即將於三月30日退休。
9. Launch:(n.)發表;啟用(v.)發表
例句:Recent sales figures contrast sharply with those prior to the launch of Lido Foods’ aggressive advertising campaign. 最近的銷售數字跟利多食品尚未宣傳之前相比,呈現顯著的落差。
10. Mandatory:(adj.)強制的;義務的
例句:All assembly-line workers should report to the designated meeting room for the mandatory training session at 4 p.m. 所有生產線的員工應於下午四點向指定會議室報到,進行必要的訓練課程。
影片連結在這裡: https://youtu.be/4uHt856ruMg https://youtu.be/R_U0yQRUSpc
本篇文章與: https://irs.zuvio.com.tw/student5/chicken/article/188559?ref=gy3tqmrwgi%253D%253D%253D%253D%253D%253D&tab=forum 是同一個人。