New variant EG.5 is on the rise as Covid-19 cases and hospitalizations go up
新型變種冠狀病毒 EG.5 病例正逐漸增加並施壓醫療量能
(CNN) — There’s a new coronavirus variant topping the leaderboard in the United States: EG.5.
正有新型變種冠狀病毒越來越多出現在美國當地 —— EG.5
Nationally, EG.5 is causing about 17% of new Covid-19 cases in the country, compared with 16% for the next most common lineage, XBB.1.16, according to the latest estimates from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
與佔比百分之十六的另一新型冠狀病毒 XBB.1.16 相比,在美國境內,根據來自美國疾病管制及預防中心最新統計,EG.5 正造成大約百分之十七的新型冠狀病毒的病例。
Compared with its parent XBB.1.9.2, it has one extra mutation to its spike, at position 465. This mutation has appeared in other coronavirus variants before. Scientists aren’t sure exactly what new tricks it enables the virus to do, but variant hunters are paying attention because many of the new XBB descendants have adopted it.
與他的原型 XBB.1.9.2 相比,它有額外的變種突起在位置 465 上。這樣的變種也有出現在之前的變種病毒身上。科學家並不確定這樣的演化會讓新型冠狀病毒有什麼新把戲,但是仍然因為有很多 XBB 的變種病毒有相同的特徵以致於讓科學家們格外注意。
The 465 mutation is present in about 35% of coronavirus sequences reported worldwide, including another that’s rising in prevalence in the Northeast, FL.1.5.1, suggesting that it is conveying some kind of evolutionary advantage over previous versions.
在位置 465 上的新型變種佔全世界百分之三十五的冠狀病毒中,包括另一在東北流行的新型冠狀病毒 FL.1.5.1,這也暗示著一些演化上的優勢讓變種超越目前已有的病毒種類。
EG.5 also now has its own offshoot, EG.5.1, that adds a second mutation to the spike. That one is also spreading rapidly.
EG.5 也有他的近親 EG.5.1,它有著第二個變種突起,這也讓他的傳染力更加強勢。
Source from CNN