Dr. David Ho has been testing these variants in his lab at Columbia University to see how resistant they have become to the antibodies we have to defend against them.
David 博士在哥倫比亞大學實驗室試驗過數種變異種,去發掘它們擁有的抗體有多少能力去引起防禦作用。
“Both are only slightly more resistant to neutralizing antibodies in serum of infected and vaccinated persons,” Ho, a professor of microbiology and immunology, said in an email to CNN.
「兩個都對於稍微更加有抵抗力去中和在已接種疫苗感染者血清裡面的抗體。」一位姓何的微生物以及免疫學的專家發信給 CNN 說道。
Clinically, he said, these variants don’t seem to be causing different or more severe symptoms than the viruses that came before them.
“It basically has some more immune escape compared to the ones that were precedents in this XBB series,” said Dr. Eric Topol, a cardiologist at the Scripps Translational Research Institute. “It has an advantage, which is why it’s getting legs all around the world.”
「基本上比起先前 XBB 系列的病毒,這有更多的免疫預防措施。」一位在斯克里普斯研究所的心臟外科醫學權威的 Eric Topel 醫生說道。「它有一項優勢,那就是為什麼那能在世界上四處擴散的原因。
Beyond the US, EG.5 is growing quickly in Ireland, France, the UK, Japan and China. The World Health Organization upgraded its status on Wednesday from a variant under monitoring to a variant of interest, a move that signals the agency thinks it should be tracked and studied further.在美國以外,EG.5 正在伊朗、法國、英國、日本以及中國逐漸快速的肆虐地區。世界衛生組織在星期三更新了這項病毒的紀錄從觀察中變成影響中的變異種 —— 這是一個警示行政機構需追蹤以及進一步研究的改變。
The variant has become the most prevalent in the US just as cases, emergency room visits and hospitalizations are going up, although there’s nothing to suggest that this specific strain is what’s driving those increases.