This is the world’s rarest passport
The world's most exclusive passport - There are only around 500 diplomatic passports issued by the Sovereign Military Order of Malta in circulation.
The Sovereign Military Order of Malta – also known as the Knights of Malta – isn’t just a religious Catholic order with nearly 1,000 years of history. Nor is it just a multi-million-dollar-budget humanitarian aid organization, with operations including refugee camps and disaster relief programs in some 120 countries around the world.
馬耳他主權軍事騎士團——也被稱為馬耳他騎士團——不僅僅是一個擁有近1000年曆史的宗教天主教騎士團。 它也不只是一個數百萬美元預算的人道主義援助組織,在世界各地約120個國家開展了包括難民營和救災計劃在內的業務。
It’s also a sovereign nation, with United Nations observer status and its own constitution, but, unusually, without any land. It issues car license plates – without having any roads to drive them on – and its own stamps, currency and passports.
它也是一個主權國家,擁有聯合國觀察員地位和自己的憲法,但不尋常的是,沒有任何土地。 它發行汽車牌照——沒有任何道路可以駕駛它們——以及自己的郵票、貨幣和護照。
The Knights originated as a chivalric order in Jerusalem around 1099 and were gif ted the Maltese archipelago in 1530 by the King of Spain. Napoleon Bonaparte forced the Knights out of Malta in the French invasion of 1798, and these days the Order is headquartered in Rome. Daniel de Petri Testaferrata, the Malta-based President of the Order, tells CNN that only about 100 of the 13,500 knights, dames and chaplains now dispersed around the globe live in the Maltese archipelago.
騎士團起源於1099年左右在耶路撒冷的騎士團,並於1530年被西班牙國王賦予馬耳他群島。 拿破崙·波拿巴在1798年的法國入侵中迫使騎士團離開馬耳他,如今騎士團的總部設在羅馬。 總部位於馬耳他的騎士團主席Daniel de Petri Testaferrata告訴CNN,現在分散在全球各地的13,500名騎士、女士和牧師中,只有約100人住在馬耳他群島。
The first passports were issued by the Order of Malta in the 1300s when its diplomats traveled to other states with documents attesting to their role as ambassadors. After World War II, the use of the diplomatic passport took on characteristics of passports used in other countries. Today, there are only around 500 of the diplomatic passports in circulation – making it the rarest passport in the world.
第一批護照是由馬耳他騎士團在13世紀的時候簽發的,當時其外交官帶著證明他們作為大使的檔案前往其他國家。 第二次世界大戰後,外交護照的使用具有其他國家使用的護照的特點。 今天,只有大約500本外交護照在流通——使其成為世界上最稀有的護照。
A very exclusive document
The Order’s crimson passport (perhaps a nod to the blood of Christ) is reserved for members of the Sovereign Council and leaders of diplomatic missions and their families. It’s adorned with gold lettering stating the organization’s name in French, “Ordre Souverain Militaire de Malte,” and a crest.
騎士團的深紅色護照(也許是對基督血的點頭)是保留給主權委員會成員和外交使團主管人及其家人的。 它裝飾著金色字母,上面用法語寫著該組織的名字「Ordre Souverain Militaire de Malte」和徽章。
The bastioned Fort St. Angelo sits at the center of Malta's Grand Harbour.
堡壘的聖 安吉洛坐落在馬耳他大港的中心。
“The Order grants passports to members of their government for the duration of their mandate,” de Petri Testaferrata says. Grand Masters’ passports are valid for the longest period as they’re elected for 10 years, can serve two terms, and must retire by 85. Other passports are valid for four years and are only used for diplomatic missions. The passports have 44 pages watermarked with the Maltese cross without much other fanfare – no images or quotes.
De Petri Testaferrata說:「該命令在任期內向其政府成員發放護照。」 大師的護照有效期最長,因為他們當選為10年,可以任職兩屆,必須在85歲之前退休。 其他護照有效期為四年,僅用於外交使團。 護照有44頁,上面印有馬耳他十字架,沒有其他大張旗鼓——沒有影象或引文。
According to De Petri Testaferrata, two-thirds of Schengen members recognize the diplomatic passport and the Order works closely with many countries with no formal diplomatic relations such as France, the United Kingdom and the United States.
“We provide rapid medical and humanitarian supplies to victims of conflict or natural disasters. We run hospitals, ambulance corps, medical centers, homes for the elderly and the disabled, soup kitchens and first aid posts,” de Petri Testaferrata explains.
根據De Petri Testaferrata的說法,三分之二的申根會員承認外交護照,騎士團與許多沒有正式外交關係的國家密切合作,如法國、英國和美國。
「我們為衝突或自然災害的受害者提供快速的醫療和人道主義用品。 我們經營醫院、救護車隊、醫療中心、老年人和殘疾人之家、施粥所和急救站,」de Petri Testaferrata解釋道。
On the trail of Knights in Malta
The Grand Master's Palace sits in St. George's Square in the heart of Valletta.
大師宮位於聖 瓦萊塔市中心的喬治廣場。
While you’re unlikely to run into any Knights on a visit to Malta, there are many places across the Maltese Islands to learn about the fight and fate of the storied Order.
One of the first things you’ll notice as you arrive on the main island is the massive honey-hued Fort St. Angelo jutting out of the azure waters of the Grand Harbor. The imposing medieval bastion was once the Order’s Headquarters and is the only remaining structure on the island that still partly belongs to the Knights.
當你到達主島時,你會注意到的第一件事是巨大的蜂蜜色調的堡壘街。 Angelo從大港的蔚藍水域中伸出來。 雄偉的中世紀堡壘曾經是騎士團的總部,是島上唯一仍然部分屬於騎士團的剩餘結構。
De Petri Testaferrata tells CNN the chapel dedicated to St. Anne in the upper part of the Fort is still cared for by the Order. You can tour this part of the fort to see where the Grand Master de Valette prayed daily for deliverance from the Ottoman invaders during the Great Siege of 1565.
De Petri Testaferrata告訴CNN,獻給St.的小教堂。 堡壘上部的安妮仍然受到騎士團的照顧。 你可以參觀堡壘的這一部分,看看在1565年大圍攻期間,瓦萊特大師每天祈禱從奧斯曼帝國的入侵者那裡送來。
Inside the ancient bastion walls of Mdina, Malta’s medieval capital and a UNESCO World Heritage site, you can learn more about the Order at “The Knights of Malta” 3D audiovisual show. It’s located in the Casa Magazzini where the Knights once stored ammunition and tells the Knights’ history in Malta, including when they were gif ted the archipelago in 1530 by the King of Spain.
在馬耳他中世紀首都和聯合國教科文組織世界遺產姆迪納的古老堡壘牆內,您可以在「馬耳他騎士團」3D視聽展上瞭解更多關於騎士團的資訊。 它位於Casa Magazzini,騎士團曾經在那裡儲存彈藥,並講述了騎士團在馬耳他的歷史,包括1530年西班牙國王贈送他們群島時。
In the capital city of Valletta, you can continue your Knight trail at the National Library of Malta where the Pie Postulatio Voluntatis, the parchment Pope Paschal II used in 1113 to grant the Order sovereignty, is housed.
在首都瓦萊塔,你可以在馬耳他國家圖書館繼續你的騎士之路,那裡是教皇帕斯卡爾二世在1113年用來授予騎士團主權的羊皮紙Pie Postulatio Voluntatis。
“The library’s collection consists of original documents and manuscripts of the Order,” Dane Munro, a tour guide and historian specializing in the history of the Order, says.
專門研究騎士團歷史的導遊兼歷史學家Dane Munro說:「圖書館的藏品包括騎士團的原始檔案和手稿。」
After the library, you can head across the street to the Grand Master’s Palace which once hosted the Knights. The Throne Room was used by the Knights as the Hall of the Supreme Council and remains adorned with ancient frescoes depicting the Great Siege. Don’t miss the portraits of Grand Masters in the Hall of Ambassadors.
圖書館結束後,你可以穿過街道前往曾經接待騎士團的大師宮。 王座室被騎士們用作最高委員會的大廳,遺蹟裝飾著描繪大圍攻的古代壁畫。 不要錯過大使大廳裡大師的肖像。
Caravaggio’s time as a Knight
Like all good chivalrous gentlemen, the Knights loved fine art, leading to a controversy. Renowned Italian painter Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio arrived in Malta in 1607 after killing a man in a duel and fleeing Rome. The Order made him a Knight and he became the court painter. Shortly after Caravaggio showcased he was more of a brawler than a gentleman and the Knights expelled him from the Order.
像所有善良的騎士紳士一樣,騎士們喜歡美術,這導致了爭議。 著名的義大利畫家米開朗基羅·梅裡西·達·卡拉瓦喬在決鬥中殺死一名男子並逃離羅馬後,於1607年抵達馬耳他。 該命令使他成為一名騎士,他成為宮廷畫家。 卡拉瓦喬展示後不久,他更像是一個鬥士,而不是一個紳士,騎士團將他驅逐出騎士團。
While visiting St John’s Co-Cathedral, just a few blocks from the Grand Master’s Palace, keep an eye out for “The Beheading of St John” which is Caravaggio’s largest and only known signed work.
Combine a trip to Mdina with a visit to the "Knights of Malta" 3D audiovisual show.
A few blocks away is the Casa Rocca Piccola of the de Piro family who were closely involved with the Order, according to Munro. You can take a tour of the grand home where Marquis Nicholas de Piro, the Chancellor of the Maltese Association of the Order, lives. His home is a time capsule of 16th-century Baroque elegance.
據Munro說,幾個街區外是de Piro家族的Casa Rocca Piccola,他們與騎士團關係密切。 你可以參觀馬耳他騎士團協會主席尼古拉斯·德·皮羅侯爵居住的巨集偉住宅。 他的家是16世紀巴洛克優雅的時間膠囊。
You can also stay in a palazzo that belonged to the Knights. Rosselli AX Privilege is a boutique hotel housed in the 17th-century home of Knight of Malta Don Pietro Rosselli and is centrally located in Valletta, making it the perfect home base as you tour around Malta to learn about the Knights.
你也可以住在屬於騎士團的宮殿裡。 Rosselli AX Privilege是一家精品酒店,位於17世紀馬耳他騎士Don Pietro Rosselli的家中,位於瓦萊塔市中心,是您遊覽馬耳他瞭解騎士團的完美基地。
If you get lucky and spot one of the few Knights on the archipelago, you might be able to identify them from their traditional robes, which are only worn during religious ceremonies. The black tunic with white cuffs features the eight-pointed Maltese cross. An additional decoration around the neck depicts the Knight’s rank in the Order of Malta.
如果你幸運地發現了群島上為數不多的騎士之一,你也許可以從他們的傳統長袍中識別出他們,這些長袍只在宗教儀式上穿。 帶有白色袖口的黑色外衣以八角馬耳他十字架為特色。 脖子上還有一個額外的裝飾,描繪了騎士在馬耳他騎士團的軍銜。
Editor’s note: This story has been updated to remove a quote.
Source From CNN