The man in front of the tank: How journalists smuggled out the iconic Tiananmen Square photo
The man in front of the tank: How journalists smuggled out the iconic Tiananmen Square photo
Capturing the shot
Other journalists were at the hotel, too – including Jonathan Schaer, CNN’s US-based cameraman who flew into Beijing to support his exhausted colleagues. He’d set up a camera on the balcony of CNN’s room at the hotel, where the network had been broadcasting live reports of the crackdown throughout the weekend.
其他記者也在酒店——包括美國有線電視新聞網的美國攝影師喬納森·謝爾,他飛往北京支援他疲憊不堪的同事。 他在酒店CNN房間的陽臺上設定了一個攝像頭,整個週末,該網路一直在現場播放鎮壓的報道。
“Another cameraman said, ‘Hey, look at the guy in front of the tanks!’ I just zoomed in and started videotaping,” Schaer recalled.
「另一位攝影師說,'嘿,看看坦克前面的那個人!' 我剛剛放大並開始錄影,」Schaer回憶道。
“When the column stopped and the man blocked the tanks, they were trying to scare him off by shooting over his head. Well, shooting over his head was basically where our position was. The bullets were so close you could hear them whizzing by.”
「當縱隊停下來,那名男子擋住了坦克時,他們試圖用射擊他的頭來嚇跑他。 好吧,從他頭上射擊基本上就是我們的位置。 子彈太近了,你可以聽到它們呼嘶作聲。」
Back in Martsen’s room, Widener was at the window, preparing to photograph the column of tanks coming down the road, when “this guy with shopping bags walks out in front and starts waving the bags,” he said. “I’m just waiting for him to get shot, holding the focus on him, waiting and waiting.”
回到Martsen的房間,Widener在窗前,準備拍攝沿路走來的坦克柱,他說:「這個拿著購物袋的傢伙走到前面,開始揮舞袋子。” “我只是在等他被槍殺,把焦點放在他身上,等待和等待。」
Jeff Widener's iconic "Tank Man" photo on June 5, 1989, showing an unidentified man standing in front of a column of tanks after the Tiananmen Square crackdown in Beijing, China.
1989年6月5日,Jeff Widener的標誌性「坦克人」照片顯示,中國北京天安門廣場鎮壓後,一名身份不明的男子站在坦克列前。
The tank stopped and tried to go around the man. The man moved with the tank, blocking its path once again. At one point during the standoff, the man climbed aboard the lead tank and appeared to speak to whoever was inside.
坦克停了下來,試圖繞過那個人。 這名男子帶著坦克移動,再次阻擋了它的路徑。 在對峙期間,這名男子爬上了鉛罐,似乎在和裡面的人說話。
But Widener had a problem – the scene was too far away for his 400-mm lens. His doubler, which would allow him to zoom in twice as much, lay on the bed, leaving him a choice: Should he go grab the doubler, and risk losing the shot in those precious seconds?
但Widener有一個問題——對於他的400毫米鏡頭來說,這個場景太遙遠了。 他的雙倍器可以放大兩倍,躺在床上,給他一個選擇:他是否應該去拿雙倍器,並冒著在那些寶貴的幾秒鐘內失去鏡頭的風險?
He took the chance, got the doubler on the camera, took “one, two, three shots. Then it was over,” he said. “Some people came, grabbed this guy, and ran off. I remember sitting down on this little sofa next to the window and the student (Martsen) said, ‘Did you get it? Did you get it?’ Something in the back of my mind said maybe I got it, but I’m not sure.”
他抓住了這個機會,在鏡頭上拍了雙倍鏡頭,拍了「一、兩、三張照片。 然後就結束了,」他說。 「有些人來了,抓住這個傢伙,然後跑了。 我記得我坐在窗邊的這張小沙發上,學生(Martsen)說:「你拿到了嗎? 你拿到了嗎? 我腦海裡有些東西說,也許我明白了,但我不確定。」
Liu remembers getting the call from Widener, and immediately firing off instructions: roll up the film, go down to the lobby, and ask one of the many foreign students there to bring it to the AP office.
The pictures were soon transmitted over telephone lines to the rest of the world.
Widener did, sending the student bicycling away with the film hidden in his underwear. Forty-five minutes later, “an American guy with a ponytail and a backpack showed up with an AP envelope,” said Liu. They quickly developed the film, “and I looked at that frame – and that’s the frame. It went out.”
Widener做到了,讓學生騎腳踏車離開,把電影藏在內衣裡。 45分鐘後,劉說:「一個拿著馬尾辮和揹包的美國人帶著美聯社信封出現了。” 他們迅速開發了這部電影,“我看了看那個框架——這就是框架。 它出去了。」
A student protester before a burning armored personnel carrier that rammed through student lines, injuring many during an attack on pro-democracy demonstrators in Tiananmen Square, Beijing, on June 4, 1989.
Schaer, the CNN photojournalist, didn’t initially realize what they had captured on tape. This was in the early days of email, which didn’t yet handle large video – so CNN was using a “gizmo that could send video … a prototype that Sony had given us to try out,” which took an hour to scan one frame of video and send it over a phone line, he said.
CNN攝影記者Schaer最初沒有意識到他們在磁帶上捕捉到了什麼。 他說,這是在電子郵件的早期,它還沒有處理大型影片——所以CNN正在使用「可以傳送影片的gizmo......索尼給我們的原型」,掃描一幀影片並透過電話線傳送花了一個小時。
So they sent five frames, made copies of the tape and sent it to the airport in Beijing – where they enlisted a tourist to take the tape to Hong Kong, which at the time was still a British colony and not subject to Chinese rule.
Several media outlets took a photo of “Tank Man,” but Widener’s shot was the most used. It appeared on the front pages of newspapers all around the world, and it was nominated that year for a Pulitzer Prize.
幾家媒體拍攝了一張“坦克人”的照片,但Widener的鏡頭是最常用的。 它出現在世界各地報紙的頭版上,當年被提名為普利策獎。
Widener said he didn’t know the image had made such an impact until the next morning, when he arrived at the AP office to find messages from viewers and journalists all over the world.
To this day, we don’t know who the man is and what happened to him. But he remains a powerful symbol of the individual standing up to the power of the state.
時至今日,我們還不知道這個人是誰,也不知道他發生了什麼。 但他仍然是個人捍衛國家權力的強大象徵。
“I suppose for a lot of people it’s something personal, because this guy represents everything in our lives that we’re battling, because we’re all battling something,” Widener said. “He’s really become a symbol for a lot of people.”
Widener說:「我想對很多人來說,這是個人的事情,因為這傢伙代表了我們生活中正在與之鬥爭的一切,因為我們都在與之鬥爭。” “他真的已經成為很多人的象徵。」
沒有這群攝影師的努力 這段歷史將會永遠的消失 中共的力量想要把這一天從日曆上抹去十分容易 即便有影像資料保存至今 但在中國知道這段歷史的人十分少 尤其是年輕的一代人 中共的野心有目共睹 卻還有很多台灣人對中共抱有不切實際的幻想……